+92 3344687750  Wazirabad, 52000, Punjab, Pakistan

USA Trademark Service

Ready to protect your brand’s name, logo, phrase, or design with the United States Patent and Trademark Office? Northwest has you covered. Our attorneys will review your trademark and offer advice, then we’ll prepare and file your application—all for just $600 plus USPTO filing fees.

USA Trademark Registration



Increased Geographical Protection

Federal trademark registration provides protection for your mark throughout the U.S. In contrast, state trademark registration or common law trademark rights provide limited, regional geographical protection.


Serves As Ownership Protection

Your federal registration can serve as evidence during trademark infringement disputes because registration proves the mark belongs to you and is yours to use. Without federal trademark registration, you would need to present other evidence to support your claim.


Right To SUE

Unless your trademark is registered with the USPTO, you cannot sue for trademark infringement in federal court.


Use of ® Symbol

Following registration, you can use the “R inside a circle” federal trademark registration symbol—®. This can increase brand trust and credibility.

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